People Level Identification since 2018

Identify your anonymous website visitors. Automatically email and connection on LinkedIn without any manual work with Salestools. Set up look a like titles and go ABM in companies on visits and adapt messaging with Adaptive Intelligence by Salestools.

Never miss an opportunity

Imagine you have new leads stopping by your website while you read this and you are not aware, can’t identify and then finally it take time to start the outbound campaign to them. Well that was before Salestools AI SDR. Today you are able to auto identify them, auto personalize and auto engage on Email and LinkedIn after a visit with just one click you automate the flow 100%.

People Level Identification
People Level Identification

Salestools Pioneered people level identification in 2018, and now we are taking it to new heights, track the person on your website no form fills needed.

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Company Tracking
Company Tracking

Identify accounts visiting and automatically engage with them and prospect no clicks needed

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Auto Reply Email and LinkedIn
Auto Reply Email and LinkedIn

Soni will handle your replies, share your calendar, handle objections and best of all he is not biased like a human, but trained to be humanized.

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 Objection Handeling
Objection Handeling

Never lose track of important conversations. Our advanced search functionality lets you pinpoint messages, files, and even specific users.

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High Intent Leads
High Intent Leads

From setting up reminders to pulling up a member’s profile, perform quick actions without breaking your conversational flow.

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Scale your outbound motion in seconds, not months with your first AI SDR

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