Open more doors on LinkedIn with Social Engagement

Imagine a world where you stand out and connect with Leads on LinkedIn as you acknoledged them in public and build a real connection that sparks off a relation?

Engage and Help in Public

Is important to remain in control in the age of AI.
Salestools let you maintain full control design etc, and you can deploy a new AI agent in 5 min (an SDR takes 60 days)

Subscribe to Lead notifcations
Subscribe to Lead notifcations

Let Salestools monitor when your leads is posting and engage in near real time to get their attention.

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Auto-Pilot mode
Auto-Pilot mode

Let Soni and Salestools automatically comment and create engament and enroll the lead to an automation after a comment.

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Auto add to Automation
Auto add to Automation

Upon commenting on a post Salestools can start the outbound on LinkedIn and Email, ensuring a higher engagement rate up to 4x higher as the lead now know who you are.

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 Objection Handeling
Objection Handeling

Never lose track of important conversations. Our advanced search functionality lets you pinpoint messages, files, and even specific users.

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High Intent Leads
High Intent Leads

From setting up reminders to pulling up a member’s profile, perform quick actions without breaking your conversational flow.

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Scale your outbound motion in seconds, not months with your first AI SDR

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Where companies reach infinite scale


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