Setup up your first Automation

Setup LinkedIn Account in just 45 seconds

Build an automation on Demand is easy and it enables you to do LinkedIn, Email or both in one campaign. We see that multi touch, LinkedIn automation using AI generated higher returns to customers. PS a New thifunction of Demand is rotating mailboxes for sending and it is live!

Create your first Automation

Here is the basics on how to create an automation simply head to Demand by clicking here.
Next choose a starting point where the data for your campaign is coming from we import if for you if you Choose
  • LinkedIn starting points,
  • Website visitors it well use LinkedIn sales navigator to prospect when company visiting your website is identified.)
  • From my leads is CSV import or existing leads.
  • Templates if you like inspiration
Here is a Video showcasing it:

How to add AI to my Automation

If you wish to use AI to write messages, emails and connection request you need

Lessons in Setup Salestools

Looking for other lessons? Here are some more videos from this category.

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