How To Create Your Own $10,000-20,000/Day Outbound Sales System

Convert, identify visitors with Demand, how to automatically identify visitors, connected on Linkedin with AI and automatically email visitors.

Jan 6, 2024
2 Years ago I read about how Clearbit and ā€œGā€ formerly head of growth at Segment famously wrote an article how Segment build a $10,000+ pipeline daily using expensive and complex APIā€™s. At that time it was complicated, out of reach for most and yes almost impossible to deliver. Simply what they achieved is noteworthy but Ā impossible for most companies. In the end itā€™s incredibly powerful and exciting, people struggled understanding how it works and how they could wire it together themselves.
Itā€™s hard. It involves connecting client-side and server-side data across five or six APIs (depending how you configure it) in a reliable way, engineers and lot of cost.
Saleshub has build it out of the box as the first company on the market, and making this strategy available to you today!

Backstory what did they try to achieve?

With outbound emails, sales development reps have a clear trade off between spending more time personalizing their messages vs. sending more messages. Either way, their goal is to set meetings for account executives to convert to an opportunity.
At Saleshub, weā€™ve experimented with timely outreach, tracking high email engagement and topical social mentions to cue in our sales team. Though it works, itā€™s hard to get a reliable source of data connected together, so itā€™s hard to scale.
But, thereā€™s one reliable source of abundant data ā€“ website visitors.Ā What better time to follow up after theyā€™ve visited your website?

How do you follow up with website visitors?

If we look at a traditional SaaS company, most of them have found it impossible to follow up with website visitors ā€“ even if they were really engaged ā€“ without pixels, form fills, and the constraints of ad platforms, form conversion rates, and so on.
This all pans out in, we know we have visitors but who is really visiting? We donā€™t know who they are from the data that weā€™ve got. We donā€™t have a key to unlocking the data.
This is where theĀ IP addressĀ comes in.

IP addresses can be either static or dynamic. Static IP addresses never change, they are always the same. They serve as a permanent Internet address and provides a simple and reliable way for remote computers to contact you. Static IP addresses reveal such information as the continent, country, region, and city in which a computer is located and when using Saleshub we can identify the company behind the static IP.

An IP address is akin to a physical, street address for your computer.
In the B2C space, people move houses and street addresses arenā€™t always the most up-to-date source (weā€™ve all received someone else mail). IP addresses arenā€™t so useful for matching here either.
With businesses, thereā€™s a much stronger ā€œfootprintā€ with more activity to and from that address. Itā€™s much easier to associate an IP address with a company. This is where Saleshub andĀ ExactVisitor.comĀ comes in.
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Saleshub have matched up IP addresses with company names. Saleshub is using ExactVisitor to make this available inside the platform. You give an IP address, and it returns a company name.
This gives us the ā€œkeyā€ to unlock all this data.
With a company name, we can discover all sorts of information like their industry, their employees, their revenues, and more.
And the same principle to individual contacts. If we know an employee, we can discover their email address, their job title etc.
The automations when they kick can then automatically prospect the right person on LinkedIn, automate the outreach and let you contact the right decision makers from the visiting company.
Saleshub also integrates with to further provide more data to accurately target the right visitors, based on their technology usage.
Once you setup your criteriaā€™s Saleshub can live determine if this is a fit or not.
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Saleshub is using the data from the IP to turn it into actionable data:

ā€“ Company Nameā€“ Company Technology usage (matching if a fit)ā€“ Company Sizeā€“ Company Industryā€“ Company employee rangeā€“ Visitor location to target the right employees

Now it will qualify based on your criteriaā€™s if this is a fit or not. If a fit 5 min after the visit it will take your personas and prospect them on Linkedin and follow your automation.
Five ways Saleshub can take this even further:
If youā€™ve gone to all the effort of prospecting for anonymous visitors, and everything else thereā€™s so many other related automations and strategies you can apply.
Hereā€™s five ideasā€¦

1. Write ā€œrevealedā€ prospects as leads and contacts in Salesforce

To keep your sales team in the loop, make sure their CRM is updated with leads who are being auto-emailed. Itā€™s important to keep teams aligned, especially with very scalable, automated processes.
Write a Lead Source asĀ Anonymous Revealed by SaleshubĀ Ā and use this to power other logic. This also clues in your sales guys with the ā€œwe noticed a lot of people from your company on the site recentlyā€¦ā€ opener.

2. Trigger 10X personalized emails.

This outbound email recipe is entirely automated, but for certain segments (perhaps large companies, or specific titles?), you may still want to run manual outreach emails and personalize each message further.
At Saleshub, we first tested these outbound email campaigns with manual outreach. This is the example of an email that gets a meetingā€¦
can see youā€™re interested inĀ Saleshub.aiā€¦
Hi Christina,
From one data geek to another, you can understand that I track all my emails and web analyticsā€¦
And I see several dozen folks from Amazon Web Services have been visiting, checking out our live customer use cases and reading about our automations.
If youā€™re interested, Iā€™d love to talk ā€“ to share what companies like Speexx, Acronis, Accenture and others are using Saleshub to do, and how we can best help you at Amazon Web Services. In particular, upgrading your automations to save your sales team countless of hours orchestrating their outreach on Linkedin + Emails.
If youā€™ve got 15 minutes to talk, Iā€™d love to schedule some time?
Look forward to hearing from you Christina

3. 10X Retargeting ads

Traditional, pixel-based retargeting only retargets the website visitor. As well as enrolling all these anonymous revealed prospects in outbound sales campaigns, enroll them in ad audiences too so you can go multi-channel. That can be done by creating custom audiences inside Facebook.
Ad audiences can suffer delivery issues by being too small. Bulking out your audiences with prospects from the same company can help solve this too.

4. Create a personalized website variation

Now you know their name, and you know things about their company, we can consider creating a variation of the website for their company we recommend using ExactVisitorā€™s visitor.js to use with Google Optimize.

5. Notify your team on Slack

Slack notifications arenā€™t the favorite method for many sales teams we speak too (including our own!), but Slack can bring data to your whole team very quickly and easily.
For marketing teams, this can be a quick hack to excite and motivate other teams who might have missed you had Google, Uber, and Tesla all over your site this week! šŸ˜‰
Use visitor Alerts and your team knows when high targeted prospects are visiting. Setting up anĀ #interesting_web_visitorsĀ channel is one of many ideas, as well asĀ #demo_requests,Ā #new_stripe_subscriptions, and more.