How to Create a LinkedIn Sales Navigator List Full of Your Ideal Customer Profiles and Reach your targets in 2021

Mar 4, 2024
How to Create a LinkedIn Sales Navigator List Full of Your Ideal Customer Profiles and Reach your targets in 2021
LinkedIn has made a change to stop the spam happening and forcing people to do better outreach, which Saleshub is all about, so this is overall good news. Many people lack a consistent strategy to reach their goals relying on 100% automations, which is not impactful and made it harder to break through the noice on Linkedin.
LinkedIn has enforced a limit of 100 connections connection requests per week and this is not an issue when setting your strategy right.
1-1 Personalisation is the future of sales and thankfully, we have a solution that will fill up your LinkedIn Sales Navigator full of perfect prospects.
We’ll be covering LinkedIn strategies, best practices, and other marketing hacks so that you can continue generating leads like the new connection limit doesn’t apply to you and you can sky rocket your growth in 2021 and beyond.
Here are a few ways to utilize sales navigator to close more deals.
  1. Account Based Prospecting
  1. Persona Based Prospecting
  1. Technology Based account prospecting
  1. Financing rounds prospecting
  1. Post on LinkedIn -> auto engage with the commenters or likes
1. Account Based Prospecting
So how do you use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to prospect accounts that are your ICP and what framework should you use to test your Ideal Customer Profile? Account based prospecting is one of the most powerful ways to prospect and outreach potential clients. It is all about identifying which parameters a company has that is ready to buy. As an example ExactVisitor did this exercise to identify where to double down on a niche to grow faster.
Test the following parameters:
– Location (London vs San Francisco)
– Industry (Software, Cyber Security etc)
– Technology usage (Using Marketo, Hubspot, Act-On, Eloqua, Pardot) as example
– Employee Range (51-200, 201-500 etc)
– Department Size (Min 5 sales people)
The ideal situation is to batch sample different ICP’s and test which ones are responding to your offer and run data analysis in Excel to learn where to double down later.
2. Persona Based Prospecting
We see the common mistake way to often, we are selling to the CEO, CIO, CTO or CMO only that is our Persona – but this is where most founders/teams are failing. Personas has 2 functions.
  1. Influencer is the one that show the business case to the Decision maker for you and often is the easiest way to get attention from a higher ranked officer.
  1. Decision makers are the ones making the decision but can be hard to reach if no impossible at times.
So your goal is to test different roles within your Account Based results and test which roles are more likely to get your through the journey from create/matching a need with your ICP to actually close them.
Think of testing different roles and reinvent your sales cycle, we often see on data from ExactVisitor that the visitors to out clients are Influencers/Analyst in most cases and not the decision makers.
Again your test goes into who is replying positive and can get you to a demo + intro to Decision Maker based on the data you can then move to a conclusion on your strategy mixing with the right Account Based methodology.
3. Technology Based Prospecting
We found mentioning a technology a company is using is one of the best ice breakers we can find, and people tend to have a higher reply rate as it relate with them.
This is one of the strongest ways to do outreach, which companies such as ExactVisitor uses heavily and gain huge traction from doing so. Their case is really simply they are superior to Legacy Providers such as Leadfeeder and Leadforensics. So how do they use their less known brand but 10X better product and better offering for their clients? It is really simple.
So they do a couple of things which is quite brilliant and you can do the same they use the full suite from integrated with
A. Trial alerts, every-time someone trials Leadfeeder or Leadforensics – Techtracker will automatically send a signal to Saleshub to go to LinkedIn and auto prospect the Decision Makers and Influencers from these companies and adding them to a 1-1 campaign that then starts right away. Then ExactVisitor are able to reach these companies during the trial and convert them into trials to compare on ExactVisitor. What is so smart about this flow is Leadfeeder/Leadforensics spend Marketing/Sales budget getting that signup and ExactVisitor using cutting edge processes are able just to swop that client into it’s platform for free 🙂 no Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) here.
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B. General auto prospecting of companies using Leadfeeder + a CRM (Leadforensics + a CRM)
Similar process as in section A with installation alerts, but the messaging and approach is different here because it is all about applauding them in their choice of using ie. Leadfeeder.
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4. Financing Round Prospecting
Crunchbase is a great resource to found recent financing rounds and using that data to export and import based on the right Account parameters you tested in section 1 you are ready to double down on companies that are ready to buy. The method is easy and shown in steps here.
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Next open Saleshub and create an automation starting with “My Companies” where you in step two setting it with the right job titles tested in section 2.
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After add your strategy mixing emails and LinkedIn Messages to automate your outreach, save and HIT START.
Once you complete that simply go to Contacts > Import CSV
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After you finish importing simply go to my companies select the imported companies and enroll them into your Automation.
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Now the process will run automatically and your outreach has started, it is simple once you know your data.
5. Posts on LinkedIn
Post on LinkedIn is another strategy but should NOT replace step 1-4! This is a supplementary process that we recommend to run. Creating and sharing content that brings value but not selling is powerful on LinkedIn and talking to the people who are engaging is something we highly recommend. The process is simple with Saleshub once you have a high engagement that can be a Poll, sharing something where people comment to get access for more engagement etc. The way you reach out to these are the following.
Simply create an automation based on LinkedIn commenting Post or Likes
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After go to LinkedIn find your post
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After that create the campaign in the automation and hit start and you are now automatically reaching out!