High Converting Cold LinkedIn Outreach Strategy for 2021

Outreach strategy on how toHigh Converting Cold LinkedIn Outreach Strategy for 2021

Dec 2, 2023
High Converting Cold LinkedIn Outreach Strategy for 2021
We all do outbound as it is a predictable and better way to create sales ready leads. But the question is what are theĀ HIGHEST CONVERTING ANDĀ SAFESTĀ LinkedIn and email cold outreach strategy you can prepare for 2021? This article will walk you through how you canĀ book more demo callsĀ andĀ doubleĀ (if not 2x or 5x)Ā your reply rate for sales qualified leads, with automation.
Letā€™s face it, writhing the perfect outbound cadence is hard!
Most companies or startups tend to follow the same playbook, but letā€™s stop ā€œspammingā€ unqualified leads and take action on how you can truly scale your sales today!
We all use LinkedIn and Email when it comes to outbound, and the secret is people they respond on different platforms and truly orchestrating an outreach across LinkedIn and Email with personalization is where you scale faster and get reply rates that sells.
Hereā€™s what weā€™ll cover to help your LinkedIn and Email outreach efforts:
  • Why Your LinkedIn and Email Outreach Templates Fail (and How to Fix This)
  • Find influencers and piggy back
  • Hyper-personalizing Your LinkedIn Messages with the 108 days approach and to enable a world class conversion that Silicon Valley companies can be jealous off!
  • Add Emails to increase your odds for a reply by 38%
Letā€™t dive into it!
Firstly what does users say about Demand?
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Why Your LinkedIn and Email Outreach Templates Fail (and How to Fix This)

When it comes to outreach with LinkedIn and Email most people read the same articles and follow the same playbook. The fact is once too many people follow the same playbook the effect falls and prospects stop reacting to it. You need to go out there and change the fundamentals!
If you want to pickup the latestĀ Email TemplatesĀ orĀ LinkedIn templatesĀ use the highlighted links.
So firstly you need to nail your pitch by developing a one pager ā€“ this helps you to write a short and precise message once you do your outreach, if you canā€™t nail that exercise it gets very hard to communicate what you offer to the masses. The secret it this is what you give away 6-7% of your company when you join Y Combinator and the other accelerators.
Here is a link to a workbook for creating yourĀ Value Creation Sheet
You may notice a trend on LinkedIn reaching out to sell right away or state things that can be seen and waste your 255 Character limit, such as mentioned your company and Job, not talking about me hereā€¦ We are ā€œmeā€ ā€œmeā€ ā€œmeā€ centered and data comes in strong there.
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Or this example clear i accept and i get a pitch of Java, PHP, ASP, IOS, Android etc.
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So the question is how do you craft a strong connection message that converts, and donā€™t smell like a sales pitch from the get go?
For starters here are sentences to avoid that everyone uses:
These messages take many [bad] forms.
1) I came across your profile and thought you could benefit from connecting. I helpā€¦
2) I see we share some mutual connectionsā€¦
3) Brad, I would like to have a call with you to talk aboutā€¦
4) Would love to learn about your needs bc I have XXX solution
5) How are you managing X? Let me introduce Y
6) Would love to share what I do for XXX
7) I know you are busy butā€¦
8) I know you just started a new role but will you give me 30 minutes of your time?
Rather go for these sentences in your LinkedIn outreach
1) Can i ask you a professional advice?
2) A customer mentioned you in a webinar and suggest we should connect
3) Iā€™m interested in [company] and your company culture. Iā€™m also interested in learning more about your {question} process.
4) I want to introduce myself as i just got assigned your company in my territory.
5) Hi Jesper, love adding value upfront so if you like this joke, letā€™s connect! How did baby Yoda get his first lead? He used the Sales Forceā€¦
Catchy buy caught my attention (example 5)
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Find Influencers on LinkedIn and target their Likes/Commenters

Finding people who like or comment on posts of top influencers within your Ideal Customer profile will help you find new leads faster.
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Simply Copy the post URL and start an Automation crawling and automating the outreach for each person that comments:
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Start building a campaign that target the people who liked and commented on the post, this helps you get in front of an audience that are targeted around the same niche. You can start out by stating you read their comment on David Gerhardtā€™s post and the post was resonating with you. Maybe you like to ask them how they manage this process today, or how you can help them with any of the points in the post. This is a bullet proof way to engage with buyers who are highly engaged and showing intent within your target audience.

Hyper-personalizing Your LinkedIn Messages with the 108 days approach and to enable a world class conversion that Silicon Valley companies can be jealous off!

Firstly you need to understand who are you selling to, test your Ideal Customer Profile and double down on what works.
Firstly use the filters on LinkedIn to yield better searched remember you can only download 1,000 from regular Linkedin and 2,500 from Sales Navigator. So adding Industry, Employee Range, Location matters!
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Going from 4M to less than 1K per search is the ideal situation, otherwise you would leave out leads in every single search.
Secondly now that you found the right people what do you do next?
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Crafting a personalized message matters as it increases the likely hood they will respond.
So letā€™s start with the first template we frame it as the relationship builder (aka the question).
Template 1 ā€œEstablish Rapportā€:Hey [Prospect],Got a [List an industry / niche youā€™re both in] question for youā€¦
Personally, do you believe [Briefly describe a current ā€œhotā€ question in your industry / niche. This can be common myths or widely debatable topics]?
[Signs off]
After you plan your followup server your pitch depending on the answer, the automations will stop if they reply and you handle it manually at that point.
Template 2 ā€œThe Pitchā€:
Hey [Prospect],
I just launched a [Explain your new service] to help [Target audience] [List a desired goal]. If youā€™ve been planning to [Rephrase desired goal], check out what I / we do:
[Link to website or external resource]
[CTA #1] [Value add #1]
[CTA #2] [Value add #2]
Happy to help my friends out with (free) advice. Have an awesome day!
[Signs off]
Design your Automations to run full follow ups for 108 days to ensure you get the lead on the hook:
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Be persistent and follow with automations following the 108 day rule.

Add Emails to increase your odds for a reply by 38%

Demand has seen higher results once email is adding into the automation allowing your team to reach the prospect on their terms. Once you add personalization to the emails at scale the conversion rates are often reaching 3X, which is worth to add!
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Adding a personal touch into the emails and enable LinkedIn screenshot saves are showing the prospect you spend time to research them, and we see 3X lift in the reply rates across all customers. If you want access to this template head to Demand it sits in the template builder šŸ™‚
By combining the right approach between emails and Linkedin outreach using various techniques and strategies you will conquer 2021!