Let AI reply in real time

SDR’s often struggle with objections as they hurt, but Soni our AI SDR has no feelings and will reply in real time when they lead is there ready to talk. It will handle Objections, Competitor Mentions, Pricing talk, Meeting booking and further follow ups.

AI Replies on Auto Pilot or Co-Pilot

We beleive that the customer should be in control so Salestools is adapted to do full automation or let you review a reply and approve before sending, intelligence built for you.

Co-Pilot Mode
Co-Pilot Mode

See a stream of a generated by AI for your review before sending and ready to send replies.

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Auto-Pilot mode
Auto-Pilot mode

Let Soni take over your outbound and handle personalisation, social engagement and all replies automatically.

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Auto Reply Email and LinkedIn
Auto Reply Email and LinkedIn

Soni will handle your replies, share your calendar, handle objections and best of all he is not biased like a human, but trained to be humanized.

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 Objection Handeling
Objection Handeling

Never lose track of important conversations. Our advanced search functionality lets you pinpoint messages, files, and even specific users.

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High Intent Leads
High Intent Leads

From setting up reminders to pulling up a member’s profile, perform quick actions without breaking your conversational flow.

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Scale your outbound motion in seconds, not months with your first AI SDR

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Where companies reach infinite scale


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